October is just around the corner! We got one whole month to THINK PINK! GO PINK! BE AWARE! of but BREAST CANCER. Yes! PINK IS BEAUTIFUL BUT AINT BREAST CANCER!!!
“The greatest risk of getting breast cancer tomorrow is being born today in a developing country. The greatest risk of not surviving breast cancer is being a woman in the Philippines.”
One sad truth we, being a Filipina, should face. But, hey! WE SHOULD NOT JUST ACCEPT IT. We must do something to change such notions. Let’s all be attentive of how breast cancer affect lives. Let’s know how to thwart it and how to care for someone who sadly having it or someone who those survive it. It isn’t easy but working hand-in-hand, we can make a big change in this arena of life.
I am just a simple girl who is so aware how dreadful breast cancer is to every women. I, myself, is scared to get hold of the disease. I know most women are as afraid as I am. I personally don’t know someone who has the disease…never even got a chance to take care a breast cancer patient. But, as someone who has a very good background on health issues, my eyes are open of how breast cancer can impinge and change lives BIGTIME!
I don’t have money to share but I have the knowledge, my notes, my blog and my talent in writing to help even just in increasing awareness about breast cancer. I deem that prevention always start with education. Let’s lend a hand together to eradicate illiteracy here as a first step as we try to eliminate breast cancer in our society. So, help me spread the words and let’s all learn together.
BREAST defines the women’s existence to the world. It is one thing that differentiates a girl from a boy. To mothers, it is important to breastfeed and nourishes their newborns. To every lady, it equates confidence and self-esteem no matter how big or small it maybe.
CANCER is such an unpleasant word. Many is even frighten of the word itself. It stands for long agony and eventually painful death. Some equates it to dying even before it started. It is very much painful to those having it. But to some survivors, there is still hope and happiness in it.
Combine the two words and it will create physical, emotional, personal, interpersonal and spiritual chaos to any woman who unfortunately has acquired the disease.
BREAST CANCER affects one in eight women worldwide. In the Philippines, breast cancer is one of the most leading causes of morbidity and mortality among women. Blame it to a low prevention consciousness we all Filipinas have. More so, we only seek our doctor’s help when it is already malignant reaching the point of no cure.
BREAST CANCER is a malignant tumor or diseased cells that starts to form from tissues of the breast in one area that can spread or metastasize to nearby areas such as the armpit, collarbone or to any area of the chest. It occurs mostly to women but men can have it too yet so rare.
Stage 0 - non invasive; cancer is in site not affecting any other area such as the lymph nodes, armpit or collarbone; favorable stage; cure is highly possible.
STAGE I – cancer that is less than 2 cm in diameter; no metastasis.
STAGE II – cancer that is fairly small in size but already has metastasis in nearby areas or cancers that is large in size but no metastasis.
STAGE III – cancer of a large size greater than 5 cm in diameter; with greater lymph nodes involvement; inflammatory type.
- Being a woman is a major risk factor. Breast tissues are constantly exposed to female hormone of estrogen and progesterone that is closely related to having breast cancer.,
- Aging increases risk as woman gets older. 40 years above! is too risky to develop the disease.
- Genetic / heredity – “IT IS IN THE GENES!”
- Family history gives higher risk to women whose close relatives have the disease.
- Personal history. A woman with cancer in one breast has an increased risk of having a new cancer cells in the other breast or worst, any other body parts.
- Race and ethnicity. White women are slightly more likely to develop cancer than the black ones. Asians, Hispanics, and Native-Americans have low risk of developing and dying of breast cancer.
- Radiation exposure gives a high risk of developing breast cancer.
- Menstrual Period. Early menstratuation and late menopausal period contribute to high risk of having breast cancer. It is related to long term exposure to estrogen and progesterone.
- Diethylstibestrol, a drug that lower chances of miscarriage, increases risk of developing the disease.
- Women with no children or had their first child after age 30 are high risk. Having pregnant or being pregnant in an early age reduces the risk because it also reduces the number of menstrual cycle a woman has thus exposure to female hormones is lowered too.
- Oral contraceptives use has great factor than not using at all.
- Hormone therapy after menopause also might be a risk.
- Alcohol is linked to increase incidence of breast cancer. “THE HIGHER THE CONSUMPTION, THE HIGHER THE RISK…”
- Being overweight or obesity increases breast cancer chances especially after menopausal period due to estrogen comes from fat tissues at this period of life. Being overweight too increases blood insulin level which is linked to having breast cancer.
- Smoking has its contribution too in having breast cancer.
Having risk factors don’t essentially means having the disease. It will just be a guide or a warning telling us to be extra careful because we have the probabilities of having the disease. It will move us to stay healthy and live healthy. It will tell us to be conscious of the lifestyle and health habits we’re living into.
One or more of the risk factors says we must now see our doctors regularly for advices on how to avoid having the disease.
As I said it earlier, prevention is always a best cue above anything else when it comes to cancer or to any kind of diseases or illnesses.
- BREAST SELF EXAMINATION. It is advisable for all women to have a self check of our breasts as we have our menstrual period. BSE is a routinely monthly examination done immediately 7 days after the monthly period. For women who are not already menstruating or whose periods are extremely irregular, it is done monthly on the same day each month.
BSE is a very cheap and easy procedure. All women can perform it at her convenience and the privacy of her room. A mirror and her hands is all is needed to do the procedure. It is also best done after shower.
- CLINICAL BREAST SELF EXAMINATION is done once every 3 years starting age 20 and yearly after age 40.
- MAMMOGRAPHY! A painful procedure but a must to screen breast cancer. It is done 1-2 years starting age 40. For highly risk women, screening starts earlier; generally 10 years prior to the age at which the youngest close relative developed the disease.
Mammography can detect 1 cm tumor. Deodorant, fragrance or any commercial product must be avoided prior to the procedure to avoid false results.
Exercise reduces cancer risk. It is advisable for women to have 45-60 minutes physical exercise 5 or more times a week. A woman must have a healthy well-balanced, low fat, low sodium diet to stay fit and healthy. Fiber is increased 5 or more servings plus whole grain meals. Processed and red meats consumption must be kept to minimal.
Breastfeeding also lower risk of breast cancer, especially if it is continued up to 2 years age of the newborn.
- Lump in the breast or nearby areas that is unpainful and chages in size and shape rapidly.
- Breast discharges – odorous, pus-like or bloody.
- Nipple inversion
- Changes in skin color or textures overlying the breast. Check for redness, puckering or inflammation.
Breast Cancer develops over months or years. It is very much difficult to treat when it already has metastasis. As soon as you see any signs and symptoms, immediately seek the help of your doctors and get treatment promptly.
Treatment may include radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. The patient and the significant others must be fore-warned that all these treatments has its own undesirable effects. Significant others must be strong enough for their patient to have the courage and faith to fight the horrible disease. It is a difficult moment. But the patient needs all support, especially on the emotional and psychological level.
Physical changes in the body are nasty enough to affect the emotions the patient have and it includes the intensified pain they felt. Assurance and the love is a must at these trying times.
“Eliminate the cause and eradicate the disease.” Working together we can help prevent breast cancer and eliminate it in all possibilities. YES! We must also face that not at all times, we can stop it. Prevention is not perfectly enough and there are lots out there who are already suffering the awful disease. But, we have the support and all the love to give them the hope that there is a chance for them to survive and win the battle. It is not an easy battle and a painful moment of life. We all need to be brave for those who are already losing the challenge and already giving up.
We don’t need to be rich to give help. Money is not all they need though it is deeply important. We still have a heart and a prayerful soul to share. Remember, prayers are the most powerful tool to combat any challenges we have in life. Miracles work especially for those who believe.
If you don’t have a penny to give, just pray and reach out your hands and touch lives. It will all worth it.
I hope I did share something to you, my dear readers. I think pink. I go pink. I AM AWARE!!! I I give my little effort. I just hope that it did help in any way. —-RHEA FERL E. JEMINA…
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