Tuesday, February 28, 2012

...spice of life!

For life to be meaningful and sweet, all ingredients must be there and should blend well!NOT HALF COOK BUT NOT TOO OVERCOOK. 

Once in awhile, sacrifices and pains must be part of life for happiness to taste really delicious. Love adds color to life. Music and laughter makes everything alive. Successes, honors and achievements makes life worth fulfilling. But of course, there should be hardship, courage, knowledge, confidence and attitude to make everything perfect! 

Life sometimes could be unfair, nasty and unbelievable battle. Yet, with those, life become challenging!It is just a matter of winning every battle with all efforts so that no regrets in the end if ever failures raises. 

There's too the people life gives to the heart to care and dear. Arguments, quarrels and fights make life stronger and intelligence grow. 

Life indeed is meaningful, unique and has different walks to different folks. It is still depends to an individual on how to make life worth living for with happiness and contentment! 

Live life to the fullest! 
Live life without limit! 
Live life like there's no tommorrow! 




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